June 2nd Results

Last week's contest was welcomed with some high band openings. Q's were performed not just on 40m, but also on 10m and 20m. Past the 30 minute mark of the session, you could hear HH2AA calling CQ contest on 20m, operated remotely by Connor Black (W4IPC). With a late start but working at a swift rate, Connor pulled off an outstanding 68 Q's from HH2AA, around the median amount of Q's by other ops. Thanks to Remote Ham Radio for allowing youth to access HH2AA remotely! You could also operate a DX station remotely by using RHR RemoteDX! Youth also have access to RemoteDX.

We are proud to announce these fine operators as the winners of the June 2nd, 2020 session of Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest:

Kees Van Oosbree(W0AAE) 58Q's 4606pts High Power Youth
Michael Lippert(W3MLJ) 84Q's 8003pts Low Power Youth
Robert Hayes(KW8N) 146Q's 20592pts High Power OM
Jeffery Nyberg(KF5KWO) 17Q's 1200pts Lower Power OM

We have some very very exciting news: we are able to get the results of our contest out quickly! Rock WW1X wrote us some software to work through logs swiftly and to be able to get results published in a timely manner. We will no longer have a backlog of logs to log. Gone are the days of results articles that are published one hour before the next contest. Expect the results of the June 9th session of WWSAC to be released by Wednesday the 10th!

73 from the WWSAC Committee
