June 9th Results

We got the logs processed quickly as promised! The bands were a struggle factor in this session of WWSAC. Many operators have Q's split between 20m and 40m. Still, many continued on trying to make contacts during these unfavorable conditions. We will try negotiate with the band gods to have better band conditions during future contests.

We congratulate the following operators in June 9th's session of Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest for achieving first place:

Connor Black (W4IPC@HH2AA) 88Q's 12360pts Youth Low Power
Robert Hayes (KW8N) 124Q's 14134pts OM High Power
Jeffrey Nyberg (KF5KWO) 13Q's 588pts OM Low Power

Operator Remarks
Tougher this week. Signals a bit weaker and QRN much worse. Took lots of repeats and some giving up on some. - Robert (KW8N)
Ouch bands were badddd tonight. - Michael (W4MLJ)
Another fun contest this week, barely beat out AA4LS! See you next week!
- Connor (W4IPC@HH2AA)
Activity was a bit down for me this week, but MORE youth participation which was GREAT!! Still on 20 meters out west at 0100. I caught HH2AA right at start of contest, then 10 min later Serge, RX3APM called me with an FB signal and not long after that VK2JE called. Good activity on 20 OUTSIDE of US!! As always LOTS of fun especially working the youth stations. Go OUTLAWS - See everyone NEXT week. - Tom (N7GP)

We hope to hear everybody on the air next week!
73 from the WWSAC Committee


  1. Yeah, condx were not good here in San Antonio! I need to remember to try 15 and 10. See you next Monday! 73 de Jeff, KF5KWO


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